About ME


Lorem ipsum sem lacinia. Just kidding. But really, I did almost forget to fill in this section after I bought the website template.

I’ve been a copywriter based in Detroit for seven years. I currently work at VMLY&R as part of a creative bullpen deployed wherever needed in the company to help with any and all messaging improvement. Sometimes these teams need taut headlines or a sharp sense of tone and brand voice to make their message pop. Sometimes they need raw ideas. Other times, they just need to know where the commas go.

The bulk of my copywriting experience is in writing emails and social media. I’ve worked on a variety of automotive accounts, and I’ve learned a lot about positioning an auto brand in its competitive space. I also witnessed the very unceremonious death of the American mid-sized car. RIP Chevy Malibu. America never appreciated your leather-appointed seats, but I myself thought they were quite tasteful.

I would like to continue working in brand advertising, get more into emerging platforms, and eventually become a creative director. Please don’t hesitate to write or call. I’m always open to new projects, networking, and general shit shooting. Or if you want to practice your multi-level marketing pitch on me, that’s cool too.